Grunwald Declaration on Media Education

This declaration was issued unanimously by the representatives of 19 nations at UNESCO’s 1982 International Symposium on Media Education at Grunwald, Federal Republic of Germany. It is reproduced here since media teachers may well find it useful to quote or cite in preparing rationales, justifications or explanatory documents relating to media education.

‘We live in a world where media are omnipresent: an increasing number of people spend a great deal of time watching television, reading newspapers and magazines, playing records and listening to the radio. In some countries, for example, children already spend more time watching television than they do attending school.

‘Rather than condemn or endorse the undoubted power of the media, we need to accept their significant impact and penetration throughout the world as an established fact, and also appreciate their importance as an element of culture in today’s world. The role of communication and media in the process of development should not be underestimated, nor the function of media as instruments for the citizen’s active participation in society. Political and educational systems need to recognize their obligations to promote in their citizens a critical understanding of the phenomena of communication.

‘Regrettably most informal and non-formal educational systems do little to promote media education or education for communication. Too often the gap between the educational experience they offer and the real world in which people live is disturbingly wide. But if the arguments for media education as a preparation for responsible citizenship are formidable now, in the very near future with the development of communication technology such as satellite broadcasting, two-way cable systems, television data systems, video cassette and disc materials, they ought to be irresistible, given the increasing degree of choice in media consumption resulting from these developments.

‘Responsible educators will not ignore these developments, but will work alongside their students in understanding them and making sense of such consequences as the rapid development of two-way communication and the ensuing individualization and access to information.

‘This is not to underestimate the impact on cultural identity of the flow of information and ideas between cultures by the mass media.

‘The school and the family share the responsibility of preparing the young person for living in a world of powerful images, words and sounds. Children and adults need to be literate in all three of these symbolic systems, and this will require some reassessment of educational priorities. Such a reassessment might well result in an integrated approach to the teaching of language and communication.

‘Media education will be most effective when parents, teachers, media personnel and decision-makers all acknowledge they have a role to play in developing greater critical awareness among listeners, viewers and readers. The greater integration of educational and communications systems would undoubtedly be an important step towards more effective education.

‘We therefore call upon the competent authorities to:

  1. initiate and support comprehensive media education programs – from pre-school to university level, and in adult education – the purpose of which is to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will encourage the growth of critical awareness and, consequently, of greater competence among the users of electronic and print media. Ideally, such programs should include the analysis of media products, the use of media as means of creative expression, and effective use of and participation in available media channels;
  2. develop training courses for teachers and intermediaries both to increase their knowledge and understanding of the media and train them in appropriate teaching methods, which would take into account the already considerable but fragmented acquaintance with media already possessed by many students;
  3. stimulate research and development activities for the benefit of media education, from such domains as psychology, sociology, and communication science;
  4. support and strengthen the actions undertaken or envisaged by UNESCO and which aim at encouraging international co-operation in media education.’

Grunwald, Federal Republic of Germany, 22 January 1982.

Version Française (PDF)

L’impact environnemental du numérique dans les ressources éducatives

Les 29-30-31 mai 2024 s’est déroulée à Paris la 17e conférence de l’International Association for Research on Textbook and Educational Media (IARTEM). Cette édition était consacrée, plus particulièrement, aux changements climatiques et sociaux tels que traités au sein des manuels scolaires et des ressources éducatives. Les différentes contributions ont mis en évidence les représentations et présupposés associés à la gestion de la crise environnementale dans les manuels (contextualisation, agent[ivité]s, mise en relation avec d’autres phénomènes historiques/géographiques, etc.), les langages permettant de la prendre en charge d’un point de vue didactique (discours multimodaux, infographies dynamiques, etc.) ainsi que les connexions avec les objectifs d’apprentissages définis par les curricula.

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Introduction à la table-ronde du 19 mai 2022

Bonjour à toutes et à tous et bienvenue à cette table ronde qui clôture le cycle de conférences « Que veut (et que peut) encore l’Éducation aux médias aujourd’hui ? », un cycle organisé par Jeremy Hamers, Ingrid Mayeur, François Provenzano et Elise Schürgers dans le cadre du projet de recherche GENEAM, « L’éducation aux médias aujourd’hui. Pour une nouvelle généalogie critique ». Ce projet bénéficie du soutien du Conseil sectoriel de la recherche et de la valorisation en Sciences humaines et de la chaire UNESCO de l’Université de Liège.

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