From Education to the Promises of its Objects: Discursive Migration of a Symbolic Framing

We have formulated together an observation according to which a majority of discourses expressed in the public space about the media, about their productions or about the practices attached to them, put at stake a series of key paradigms, which end up forming a common horizon of recurrent values: independence, impartiality, transparency, emancipation, participation, reflexivity (2). These paradigms expressed in the discourse on media – whether this discourse is carried out by journalists, or by media education actors – form a network of media meta-categories that interact with each other and seem to activate a series of preconceived delimitations (true/false, legitimate/illegitimate, transparency/secrecy, passive reception/critical activity).

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Transparency and Controversy in Sports

To understand how contemporary popular culture’s epistemology gets shaped by a dynamic and complex articulation of controversies, truth claims, and media critique, the practices of media sport offer rich historical examples. This paper thus aims to analyze the epistemological and political dynamics of sport’s contested visibility. The main claim is that media sport’s entanglement of controversy and transparency combines trust in and suspicion of media technologies.

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Escorter le fact-checking

Indépendance, impartialité, transparence, émancipation, participation, explication : une série de paradigmes clés innerve les discours d’escorte des cellules de fact-checking. On entend mettre en lumière les récurrences figuratives, les positionnements énonciatifs et les partis-pris formels selon lesquels ces paradigmes apparaissent en discours. Notre postulat est que se dégagent de ce métadiscours de vérification, d’une part, l’expression d’une médiation revendiquée, professionnelle, correspondant à la promesse du dispositif, et d’autre part, une médiation réflexive prenant la forme d’un objectif implicite visant, par le discours sur le dispositif, la réaffirmation de ses propres codes. Ces deux premiers plans travailleraient à en opacifier un troisième, celui des médiations fondamentales, qui relèvent du traitement de l’information comme « opération sociale, technique et langagière » (Jeanneret).

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