Poétique et rhétorique : formats et usages pour l’éducation aux médias

Une conférence de Marie-Ève Thérenty (U. Montpellier) et Emmanuelle Danblon (U. Bruxelles), dans le cadre du cycle « Que veut (et que peut) encore l’éducation aux médias ? ».

24 février 2022

The Blind Spot: Some Introductory Notes on Betting

Betting can be considered as an opposite (and maybe complementary) paradigm to the one of transparency. As a cultural form and media mythology about uncertainty, betting offers the ground for a willing suspension of transparency. The betting paradigm is the living archive of the transparency paradigm and the model of rationality it relies on. Therefore, we can illuminate the critical dimension of this living archive with regard to the model of the well-informed controversy and the transparent pursuit of truth.

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Transparency and Controversy in Sports

To understand how contemporary popular culture’s epistemology gets shaped by a dynamic and complex articulation of controversies, truth claims, and media critique, the practices of media sport offer rich historical examples. This paper thus aims to analyze the epistemological and political dynamics of sport’s contested visibility. The main claim is that media sport’s entanglement of controversy and transparency combines trust in and suspicion of media technologies.

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